The Artist's Mechanic Page 4
“How about we work on communication, from now on?” Wayne said as he played with one of my dreads, his head on my shoulder, a leg thrown across both of mine.
“I’m not much of a talker, but I’ll give it a try.”
“I’ll do my best to help, I promise,” he murmured.
I kissed his nose and drew him closer, almost drunk on his and our scents mingled together. God, I’d been an idiot.
“I’ve never had anyone in my bed before,” I offered, stroking his hair.
“So, I’m your first? Splendid.”
“We won’t hear the end of this, you know? From either of our brothers.”
Wayne laughed. “To be expected. They were born brats. It’s the curse of being the older sibling.”
“But we love them anyway, right?”
“Can’t help it, I suppose.”
* * * *
New Year’s Eve found Brian and Wayne hanging out in my apartment, Brian and Marco cuddled together on the love seat, while Wayne and I had the couch to ourselves. We were watching TV, waiting for the ball to drop.
I would have the next day off, so Wayne was staying over, and Brian, who had just turned eighteen, would drive his Christmas present back to his parents’ house and take Marco with him. Wayne and I would have the place to ourselves.
We counted down with the announcer and then Wayne and I wished each other a happy new year, exchanging soppy kisses and ignoring the teasing comments of our brothers.
“God, it took you both long enough,” Marco said after pecking Brian on the cheek and helping himself to more chocolate cake. “I wasn’t sure what Brian and I would have to do next to get your heads outta your asses.”
I glared at him, but it didn’t have much heat behind it. “Never you mind all that. You have five months left of school, and you need to keep your grades up. Wayne and I can handle ourselves.”
Marco sniffed. “We’ll see.”
I threw a pretzel at him, and a war began. Which was a lovely start to a new year.
* * * *
I was nervous, proud, and sad all at the same time.
Marco was ready to leave for college—both he and Brian had gotten into the same school. They would be sharing the car, driving the eight hours it would take to get there. I didn’t have the money for a vehicle, yet, to give to Marco, but I would within a year, and then my brother would have his own ride. He didn’t seem to care about that, though.
Wayne stood next to me, his arm around my waist, as concerned and proud as I was of our siblings. I had words stuck in my throat, and didn’t know where to start when Marco came to give me a hug.
“You’re the best brother in the world, Logan. I know I’m a pain in the ass, but I do love you, and I promise to make you proud.”
I kissed his forehead and held him a little bit longer before letting go. The moisture in my eyes was because of the heat of the day and sweat. Or so I told myself.
Brian hugged me, and then Wayne, and together, my boyfriend and I watched our brothers drive off into the dawn, their lives ahead of them.
“Come on. I’m starving and you need to eat a big breakfast before going to work today,” Wayne said as he hustled me back inside my apartment.
“Seven this evening, right, for the class?” I asked as I poured orange juice for both of us in the kitchen.
“Yes. Mrs. Moses says she is looking forward to it, since she missed out last summer after falling off the stool.”
I rolled my eyes. “Heaven save me from that woman.”
Wayne laughed before kissing my cheek. “She’s not the only who’s returned. The class members from last year spread the word and brought their friends. You’re a hit, love.”
“More like a train wreck,” I grumbled. My lover grinned and blew me a kiss.
Sure, I would do the class, because Wayne asked me to. I still wasn’t that keen on baring it all for the purposes of the advancement of art, as Wayne put it, but I loved the man, so what could I do?
We sat at the table and ate our breakfast, talking softly as the sun rose in the sky, and our day began.
It was perfect.
J.D. Walker likes to keep her stories short and sweet, with the occasional novel or novella. A multi-published author, she is also a musician, artist, language enthusiast (German and Spanish), and lover of all things knit and crochet.
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